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Pillars of Islam
Islam is the divine and the true religion of God Allah Al-Mighty. Islam is more than a religion as it guides you to live the whole life according to the divine guidance. Islam is called Deen, that deals with your beliefs, rituals, transactions, and moral values which means it is the code for the worldly life and the life-hereafter .
It has five pillars.
Declaration of faith is to pronounce in words that there is no God but Allah and Prophet Muhammad is His messenger. The same should also be believed by heart. This is how to pronounce it in Arabic.
لَا إِلٰهَ إِلَّا الله مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُولُ الله (in Arabic)
There is no god but God, Muhammad is the messenger of God. (in English)
Fasting in the lunar month of Ramdhan is the third pillar of Islam and it has a great impact on a Muslim’s life. It teaches patience, obedience, and makes us to care about the hunger of poor people. It tells us to have the sense of sympathy for poor and hungry people around us. Ramdhan is there for our spiritual exercise for the betterment of our souls with good relationship with Allah Al-Mighty. Ramdhan aims to make usMuttaqi, which means being protective form disobedience of our lord Al-Mighty Allah.
Prayer is the second pillar of Islam. It obligatory for every Muslim man and women to offer 5 prayers five times a day and Jumma prayer on Friday.
Prayer has immense importance in our lives. It helps you build your faith in Allah and also is a great source of blessing to purify oneself from the sins daily.
Charity (Zakah) is to give alms to the poor a certain amount of money. This the tool by which Islam brings harmony into the society so that the deprived people can live their life with happiness. It is imposed to purify the wealth.

Pilgrimage Hajj is fifth pillar of Islam. It is a religious journey to the city of Makkah during the Lunar month of Zul-Hijjah . It is obligatory upon the the one who can afford the expenses.

There are three things Fard in Hajj:

1) Ihraam

2) Stay in Arafaat

3) Tawaf-e-Ziyarah.

Pilgrimage Hajj wipes out sins of a Muslim and makes him to be as pure as new borne.






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